Healthy Whole You
Client Case Studies:
Client #1
Female in 40's with main complaints of afternoon fatigue, acne for several years, and short-term memory issues
Lab findings:
Stress and Hormones Panel: Cortisol dominant, in acute-phase of cortisol dysregulation, low DHEA, low progesterone, low estrogen, and low testosterone; has two markers of an overactive immune system
Metabolic Wellness Panel: Compromised protein digestion, no noted liver congestion, high oxidative stress (from over-exercising).
Mucosal Barrier Assessment: Leaky gut and early stages of impaired gut lining
GI Map (gut): Three bacterial pathogens present in overgrowth that can cause acne. And, one bacterial pathogen compromises digestion. Missing a keystone species (good bacteria) known to help reduce acne, support the immune system and support a healthy gut lining. Intestinal markers imply compromised digestion, an over-active immune system, and gluten sensitivity.
OAT test-detected Candida yeast overgrowth
Food sensitivity testing: Reactive to dairy, soy, corn, cashews
Diet: Personalized recommendations for diet to support gut health, temporary elimination of sensitive foods from diet
Stress reduction: Recommendations made to lower cortisol dominance and to remove key external/environmental stressors
Exercise: Suggestions to change exercise to help lower cortisol dominance, heal leaky gut, and decrease oxidative stress
Sleep: Recommendations made for improved sleep hygiene
Supplements for:
Supporting overall digestion and especially protein digestion for hormone production
Eradicating pathogens that cause compromised digestion and acne
Supporting detox before and during pathogen eradication
Supporting healing of mucosal barrier and leaky gut and calming of immune system
*All supplements temporary until gut is healed
After plan was executed for several months and pathogen eradication was completed, client no longer suffers from acne. Her esthetician reports that her skin barrier is the best it has been since began seeing her. She no longer has short-term memory issues. She still has occasional afternoon fatigue when she exercises too hard. Her overall Symptoms Scorecard decreased from 104 to 51. Score improved by more than half, which indicates significant improvement in symptoms.
Client #2
Male in 60's with main complaints of joint pain and low energy. Reports high stress and sedentary.
Client did not do functional labs.
Symptoms Scorecard Total of 268
Diet: Personalized recommendations for diet. Adjustments made as client progresses with plan.
​Stress Reduction: Recommendations made to decrease cortisol dominance from chronic stress and to remove key external/environmental stressors to body.
​Exercise: Recommendations made based on stress levels and symptoms. Adjustments made as client's symptoms improve.
​Sleep: Reported no sleep issues
​Supplements for:
Supporting stress levels
Improving energy and concentration
Decreasing inflammation
Substituting for nutrients missing from food
After approximately 1-month of plan: Client reports down a belt size. Symptoms Scorecard Total decreased from 268 to 139, indicating marked improvement in symptoms. Main complaints of joint pain decreased from 3 (out of 5) to 1 and low energy from 4 (out of 5) to 1.
After 3-months of plan: client reports down 3 belt sizes. Energy is markedly improved and joint pain is gone.
Plan ongoing.
Client #3
Woman in 60’s with autoimmune disease (Hashimoto’s Thyroiditis). Goal to decrease autoimmune symptoms. Her goal is to put Hashimoto's into remission.
Blood chemistry labs: Potential for pathogen in gut.
GI Map: Deficient in two keystone (good) bacteria that reduce inflammation, support immune system, and support healthy gut lining. Their absence suggests leaky gut present. Overgrowth of bacterial pathogen associated with inflammation and autoimmune conditions. Pathogen releases endotoxins that go through leaky gut into bloodstream and create inflammation.
Diet: Personalized recommendations to decrease inflammation and encourage health of gut microbiome/beneficial micro-organisms in gut.
Stress Reduction: Recommendations to lower cortisol from chronic stress and remove key external/environmental stressors that could be creating inflammation in the body
Exercise: Recommendations based on stress levels and symptoms. Progression as symptoms improve.
Sleep: Reports no sleep issues/concerns
Supplements for:
Supporting thyroid
Substituting for nutrients missing from food
Decreasing inflammation and lowering overactive immune system response
Pathogen eradication
Supporting detoxification before and during pathogen eradication
Supporting healthy gut microbiome and healing gut lining
TBD-plan ongoing
Client #4
9-year old child with history of food sensitivities, eczema, and seasonal allergies
​GI Map: shows overgrowth of 3 bacterial species that cause inflammation and compromise stomach acid/food digestion. Overgrowth of keystone bacteria that supports gut lining health, indicating leaky gut; intestinal markers indicate overburdened liver
OAT Test: markers positive for overgrowth of Candida yeast species
Diet: to support eradication of bad microorganisms, promote growth of beneficial ones and decrease histamine response
Stress: to decrease exposure to external stressors (toxins)
Supplements to:
Support detox
Eradicate pathogens
Improve balance of gut microbiome
Improve the health of the mucosal gut lining to lessen leaky gut
Decrease overactive histamine response
Provide missing nutrients that lower inflammation, support gut and improve skin health
Use of herbals on skin eczema (to kill off any skin pathogens and balance skin pH)
Outcome: TBD
Client #5
Woman in 70's with history of digestive symptoms, brain fog, sleep disturbances, and recurrent colds and other illnesses
GI Map: shows overgrowth of bacteria that compromises stomach acid/digestion and known to cause inflammation, deficiency of multiple beneficial bacteria that support the gut mucosal lining and balance of the microbiome, parasite (can contribute to sleep disturbances and inflammation), and overgrowth of Candida yeast (can contribute to brain fog and inflammation, etc). Intestinal markers suggest compromised digestion, immune system dysfunction, and reactive to gluten.
Diet: to support eradication of pathogens in gut and promote growth of beneficial microorganisms. Client already follows a gluten-free diet.
Rest: reports sleep difficulties overnight. Suggestions for improved sleep hygiene.
Exercise: to support sleep and immune system function
Stress: to decrease exposure to external stressors (toxins)
Supplements to:
(Phase 1)
Support immune system function
Support sleep
Support detoxification pathways
(Phase 2)
Eradicate pathogens
Improve balance of gut microbiome
Improve mucosal lining of the gut
One Month Follow-Up: Client reports improved sleep and immune system function. States for the first time in a very long time, her sore throat did not turn into a full-blown cold.
Outcome: TBD