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Hello, I'm Audrey! I've been in the healthcare space for over 20 years now. The goal to enjoy optimal health while aging through all seasons of life is a strong passion of mine.  I became certified in functional health to gain the knowledge and tools to make it happen for my family and me. And I would love to help others achieve this goal as well.

My Credentials:
-Licensed Doctor of Physical Therapy (DPT)
-Certified Functional Diagnostic Nutritionist Practitioner (FDN-P)

*Behind the name:
Functional Diagnostic:  Assessing whole-body function is vital to true healing.  Each system is interconnected and when an area isn't functioning well, it affects how other areas function and hence, the overall wellness of the body.  We can use functional labs to assess for dysfunction in the main systems:  hormones, immune, digestion, gut health, detoxification, nervous system, and energy production.

Nutritionist:  Having the right nutrition is the key to improving overall health. What we eat and drink is what fuels the trillions of cells that make up our body and feeds the trillions of microorganisms in our gut. Our whole health is reliant upon their health.  Nutrition is 80% of the health equation. The other  20% is a combination of lifestyle and environmental factors (and genetics) which we also address.

FDNs believe the body has an innate intelligence toward health and homeostasis (balance). We can bring the body into its desired state of balance by uncovering obstacles to healing and addressing them holistically.  Healing doesn't happen overnight, is often not a linear process, and can at times be discouraging, so having someone to guide and coach during the journey is imperative for success. The final piece is that the plan must be sustainable so it can successfully continue once the coaching ends.

Learn more about why I became certified as an FDN
Learn more about our process here


“Your gut is the seat of your immune system, your detox system, your energy system, your structural system, your communication and hormonal system. All those systems are regulated by what you eat and you want to put good quality ingredients in because that is the single most important thing you can do every day to control your destiny.”

-Mark Hyman, MD, Functional Medicine

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