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 Discover Wellness   Within You 


Functional Health Practitioner & Coach

Discover the Hidden Stressors Leading To Your Symptoms &  Unlock Lasting Health

As a Functional Health Practitioner, I’m here to help you uncover healing opportunities in your body and guide you toward lasting health. Using functional lab testing, combined with a thorough analysis of your lifestyle, history, and symptoms, we design a personalized self-treatment plan with optional health coaching services.  Our main goal is to bring your body back into a balanced state, resolving symptoms and improving your quality of life. 


One-time wellness consults are also available. Contact me to learn more.

Are You Struggling With Any Of These Symptoms? If so, I may be able to help.

  • Digestive troubles (bloating, gas, acid reflux, etc)

  • Fatigue

  • Brain fog/difficulty concentrating

  • Weight gain/difficulty losing weight

  • Achy joints

  • IBS/constipation/diarrhea

  • Low libido

  • Menopause/perimenopause/PMS symptoms

  • Food sensitivities

  • Seasonal allergies

  • Autoimmune

  • Frequent or recurrent illness or infection

  • Skin issues (acne, eczema, psoriasis, rashes,  etc)

  • Accelerated aging

  • Sleep issues (insomnia, overnight waking, etc)
  • Anxiety & depression

  • Memory loss

  • Headaches

  • Behavioral/attention issues in kids

  • Recurrent ear infections in kids

Have you ever been told, "everything looks normal" or, "we can't find anything wrong" even though you are experiencing symptoms? 

Symptoms are never normal and are your body's way of telling you it's experiencing imbalance or dysfunction. Perhaps it is time to take another approach and dig deeper.

Most of the above symptoms are tied to the health of your gut, which is why Hippocrates, who is considered the "father of medicine," stated 2500 years ago, that "all disease begins in the gut." Learn more here.

My Approach to Health: Your Body Knows How to Heal

We each have the potential to achieve optimal health, but it requires providing the body what it needs to thrive and removing what doesn’t serve it. ​


Using labs and history, we come up with a plan to remove internal and external toxins, stressor, food sensitivities, and gut pathogens affecting health and replace or add in what is missing, such as beneficial bacteria, nutrients, the right diet and exercise for you, improved sleep, and stress reduction techniques.


With time, your body will shift toward a more balanced state.​


Providing support for:

  • Those who want to search for the root causes of their diagnosis.


  • Those with symptoms but no known diagnosis. Addressing dysfunction/inflammation now may prevent a future diagnosis and/or the need for pills or surgery.


  • Those without symptoms who want to ensure whole-body wellness: diseases and/or dysfunction can be present in the body an average of 5-10 years before symptoms begin.


  • Those who are feeling great and want to use functional testing to age gracefully. Even those who feel good can feel better. No one is functioning at 100%. With testing results, you'll know what may need addressed to continue to function optimally.







How We Work Together


  • Functional Lab Testing - Assessing gut health is always a great place to start. We can also assess key areas such hormones, digestion, food sensitivities, immune system, detoxification, energy production and oxidative stress. 


  • Personalized Plan - Using the lab findings combined with a thorough analysis of symptoms, history, and lifestyle, we’ll prepare a tailored plan designed to fit your unique needs, integrating the strategic use of supplements, and each of the pillars of health—nutrition, sleep, exercise, and stress (internal and external).


  • Ongoing Support - Coaching (optional) provides the best outcomes and is what helps set us apart. Health is a journey, not a quick fix. Taking baby steps is the key to creating a plan for ongoing sustainable, healthy living.  We will coach and adjust your plan as your body evolves, ensuring that every step you take is supported and meaningful.

Is This Program Right for You?

We have become accustomed to quick fixes in the Western world and with conventional medicine. Taking a pill for the ill does nothing but mask symptoms and prolong the inevitable. It's "kicking the can down the road" to when eventually the sickness is so bad that it needs addressed with more pills, surgery, hospitalization, or even worse, leads to death.


If the root causes are found and addressed, the cycle of sickness can be exited. That's why what I offer is not a quick fix or a one-size-fits-all approach.


Lasting health is a process, requiring time to truly transform.  And it requires a strong dedication, and willingness to change.  Those with no desire to change are not a good fit for this program.


If you're committed to your health, we will walk this path together and provide you with the support and guidance you need to see real, lasting results.

Let's see how I can help you!

​To schedule a free initial consultation, ask questions, or learn more, click the button below.

Or to see how I have helped/am helping others, click here.

"Genes do not hardwire us for chronic disease but instead offer a menu of what we can be under differing environmental conditions. This is empowering. It means at any age, we can have the choice about what information to send to our genes from our environment, diet and lifestyle."


--"The Disease Delusion" book by Dr. Jeffrey Bland, Founder of Functional Medicine

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